Saturday, October 2, 2010


The site's URL is changed now, as is the feed. It's no longer "" but rather "" so there won't be any more updates on this address/feed. Click HERE to subscribe to the correct feed.

Japanese Synchronized Gymnastics - Yes, It's A Real Thing

This is a thing?! Did I invent Japan? Because everything they do and make, I love.


Friday, October 1, 2010

The English Language In 24 Accents [video]

Bloody fantastic, mate. (I just did that in an accent. Which one? Pick one, I did it in that one.)

Boing Boing]

DUMBO Underwater Video Installation

This is frightening for New Yorkers like me who can't swim. Seeing New York in any sort of destruction is scary. It's Cloverfield all over again.

[Laughing Squid]